Care Coordination Platform

Enhance HCAHPS & HEDIS scores

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Advantages: connected Patient Experience

Care Coordination

Seamlessly manage patients across multiple EHRs. Our connected care health services help you coordinate care and engage patients wherever on the risk spectrum your organization falls.

Care Coordination Platform helps organizations manage patient care proactively and intelligently across the health care ecosystem, creating sustainable care networks to enable true patient-centered care at each stage of the patient journey.

Care Coordination Platform, AI based virtual managers can collaborate in real time with patients, their families and their caregivers on a care plan, acting as one care team on one platform to help ensure that patients are getting care when, where and how they need it.

By creating smart workflows, auto-triggering tasks and generating precision interventions and patient-tailored care plans, the Care Coordination Platform helps care managers focus on the highest priority issues for the greatest impact on care quality and cost.

Aggregating and normalizing your diverse clinical and claims data with a growing set of sociodemographic, behavioral and patient-reported data, giving you a 360-degree view of each patient for whom you are coordinating care.

Help care teams easily identify high- and rising-risk patients and work together to provide the right care at the right time, with our intuitive care management tools and longitudinal patient records.

Create better patient experiences

Stay connected, reduce no-shows, and get your patients more engaged in their care, with our patient engagement products and services.

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